Welcome to Camp Insurance Agency of College Station, Texas!

The Camp Insurance Agency Team is committed to providing clients with the highest quality insurance plans available combined with some of the lowest rates available in all of Texas. Whether you’re shopping for auto insurance, home insurance, health, life or business insurance, we can help get you the best coverage available with the lowest rate possible.
At Camp Insurance Agency, our ultimate goal is to create lasting relationships with each of our clients so that we may continue providing excellent service for many years to come.
We specialize in the following Texas Insurance Services:
- Auto Insurance
- Home Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Business Insurance
- And Much, Much More!
Although we are located in College Station, Texas, we offer unparalleled service and competitive quotes to clients throughout the entire State of Texas!
Call Us Today!
Dave Ramsey's Endorsed Local Provider

Bennie Camp Insurance is proud to have been selected by Dave Ramsey as your Endorsed Local Provider (ELP). You can be confident that we have earned the higher standard of excellence that is required by Dave Ramsey.
✓ Support From Dave's Team
✓ Client-Centered Mentality
✓ Trustworthy Professionals
✓ Expert Advice